Welcome to Chesalon USA

Welcome to Chesalon USA

Welcome to Chesalon USA

About Us

Chesalon USA is a trusted technology consulting company with over 15 years of experience helping organizations leverage the power of technology to transform and accelerate growth. Headquartered in Houston, our expertise spans strategy, design, development and management across industries. Our collaboration with global leaders in Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare, Construction, Genomics, Education, Content Distribution, and Networking not only showcase our versatility but also our ability to drive significant digital transformation in these sectors.

Over the years, we have delivered excellence by staying true to our core values – being obsessively customer-centric, nurturing top talent, embracing latest technologies, and upholding robust engineering practices.

This consistent commitment has made us a trusted partner for corporations, niche startups, non-profits and think tanks alike. With every new challenge we get to reinvent ourselves, pushing the boundaries of what technology makes possible.

Our Expertise

At Chesalon, our expertise encompasses:

  • AI & Machine Learning – We build customized AI solutions leveraging statistical modelling, deep learning and reinforcement techniques with applications in personalization, predictive analytics, automation, computer vision and more.
  • Natural Language Processing – Our patent pending AI translation engine employs neural techniques for highly accurate context-based translations across languages. We also possess NLP capabilities around sentiment analysis, topic modelling, dialog systems etc. We have productized this capability into a managed Translation-as-a-Service for global industry needing multi-lingual experience.
  • Cloud Architecture – We help optimize cloud adoption leveraging public/private environments, containers, severless, while ensuring security, reliability and cost efficiency.
  • Digital Transformation – We provide complete digital transformation blueprints aligning business models, customer engagement, operations and technology innovation.
  • Industry Solutions – We offer tailored solutions for sectors such as healthcare, life sciences, education, construction, and manufacturing, addressing their unique challenges.